Website Localization Services

Most consumers only buy from websites where content is presented in their language. Is your website localized for international markets?

Break into new markets with a truly global website

Expanded market reach

A localized website allows you to reach audiences in different countries and regions, opening up new markets and opportunities for growth.

Cultural relevance and engagement

By tailoring content to specific cultures and languages, we help you engage with local audiences, and build stronger relationships with customers worldwide. 

Increased conversions and revenue

A website that caters to the preferences of diverse international audiences and provides personalized experiences, increases conversions and revenue.

“Acolad enabled the launch of  Sterigenics’ international website in six languages in record time, ensuring the continued support of our client base worldwide.” 

Amie Casson
Global Marketing Leader, Sterigenics

“We’re extremely proud to present our new website and recommend Acolad as an excellent localization partner.” 

Marja-Leena Ahtiainen
Communications Manager, Kuusakoski Oy

Expert teams to drive your website to global success

Language experts trained in web best practices
Quality content meets website localization best practices – in every language you need. Our website translators work with technical managers to optimize every aspect of your site. 


Web development and design with localization in mind
A well-defined website localization strategy ensures you adapt content, design and functionality to resonate with target audience, optimize SEO, and expand global reach.


Search engine optimized (SEO) translation
Our team of multilingual SEO experts ensures your translated site capitalizes on language-specific search terms, optimizing its visibility across diverse markets.

A joined-up website localization process
International content strategy, the latest localization technology and UX design best practices. We combine it all to make your international website competitive in the global marketplace.


Open the gates to new sales opportunities
The best website translations are built with the right know-how to help drive conversions for users in diverse geographies – taking into account variations in market preferences.


Seamless updates with a website translation proxy
A fast, automated website translation solution can create multilingual mirrors of your original site, automatically monitoring new content and applying translations on the fly.

Website translation plugins and connectors to simplify your workflow
Empower your teams to request and receive translations directly through your CMS at the click of a button. Content is even placed in the correct spot, respecting page layouts.


Take your WordPress website global with WPML translation management
Acolad connectors work with WPML (WordPress multilingual plugin) and can be used to translate posts, pages, tags, categories and custom post types.


Make your website and apps inclusive
Accessibility standards, testing for screen readers and other cognitive devices, cultural references and inclusive UI labels are all aspects of the website localization process.

How does your website impact business revenue today?

Find out how Acolad translation services for websites help you increase revenue-driving conversions across your global target markets.

Frequently asked questions

New to professional website translation? We have answers.

Website localization is the process of customizing a website's content, language, design, and features to make it culturally and linguistically suitable for a specific target market.

Website localization tailors your digital presence to resonate with diverse audiences across different regions, ensuring cultural relevance, improved SEO performance and consistent brand identity, while enhancing user experience internationally. All to create a seamless and engaging journey for users worldwide while positioning your brand for success in a globalized digital landscape

Several aspects should be addressed to tailor a website for its specific target audience. Besides translating all textual content like website copy, product descriptions, and navigation elements, visual elements, such as images, graphics and multimedia, may be adapted to align with cultural preferences. Additionally, formats for dates, times, currency, and measurements are adjusted to match the target region's conventions and in some cases, adjusting website layout for right-to-left languages. 

The timeline for website localization depends on the size and complexity of the website, the number of languages involved, and the resources available. Generally, it can take several weeks to complete the process.

The cost of professional website translation services depends on several factors. To be able to provide a closer estimate, we’d need to analyze your website content for translation needs (text, images, videos), determine word count, assess complexity (design, functionality), evaluate the website structure (CMS/modular vs. hardcoded/complex), consider technical factors (SEO, URL, encoding, fonts), and account for additional services (testing, support). Get a customized website localization quote based on your unique business case.

Website localization can positively impact SEO by making the website more relevant to local search queries, leading to higher search engine rankings and increased organic traffic. At Acolad, we usually combine it with our multilingual SEO services, to maximize user engagement and  conversion rates, while creating opportunities for local link building. 

While AI and machine translation solutions can be leveraged to support website localization, it should always be considered through a combined machine and human approach. AI-generated website content concerns include plagiarism risks, exposing companies to potential copyright violations, inconsistent quality, inaccuracies, or offensive content, and potential devaluation by search engines. To mitigate these issues, Acolad supports the use of AI in conjunction with human creativity for higher content quality.

Having a content management system (CMS) that supports multilingual websites is key to manage and update localized content regularly. Acolad website translation plugins and connectors allow you to seamlessly request and receive translations directly within your CMS. The translated content will automatically fit into the appropriate sections, preserving the original page layouts.

Our website translation tools, which include connectors, plugins and website translation widgets, are compatible with the most popular web content management systems such as Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), Contentful, Drupal, Sitecore, WordPress, HubSpot, Contentstack, and more.

Yes, our mobile app localization services involve adapting your mobile or online applications to suit the language, culture and preferences of your target markets. These services encompass various aspects such as translating app content, adapting images and graphics, adjusting user interfaces and incorporating local functionalities. Our localization teams work closely with your app developers to enhance user experience, expand the app's reach and maximize its potential for success in global markets.

While the core principles of website localization apply to any website or app, the complexity and scope of international shopping websites are typically greater due to the specific requirements of ecommerce such as complex product catalogs, legal compliance with diverse laws, supporting multiple payment methods and currencies and providing multilingual live customer support.

It really depends on your expansion goals and business objectives. Ideally, you should consider factors such as the number of potential users, market demand, and cultural relevance, while prioritizing languages spoken by your target audience. If you need help with your website localization strategy or international expansion, Acolad Localization Consulting experts are ready to assist. 

Consulting with native speakers or cultural experts is key to ensure that the website's content, images, and design align with the cultural norms and values of the target audience. That's why Acolad offers an end-to-end website localization process, that includes native digital marketing experts.

 The choice between a single multilingual website and separate websites for each market depends on business strategy, content volume, and the level of customization needed for each market. Acolad Localization Consulting services can help you identify the best approach for your specific needs.