Graphic Styles

User interface and other graphic elements and styling that should be used in conjunction with the Acolad brand, such as patterns, icons, or illustrations.


All Buttons
Buttons and usage should be consistent across all digital touchpoints. Blue or White variations should be chosen based on highest level of contrast to the background. Primary and secondary buttons should have 4px rounded corners - they should not be squared, not fully rounded.


Primary CTA Button
The Solid Blue button is our primary CTA on all backgrounds while the solid white can also be used on dark backgrounds if that increases contrast in the layout. The text should be in Title Caps per APA standards.  


Secondary & Tertiary buttons
As the name suggests, these should only be used in as lesser alternatives to the primary button.

Button Combinations
To ensure a clear informational hierarchy and optimal user experience, it's essential to avoid having multiple primary CTAs competing within the same layout. If two CTAs are necessary, we recommend using a combination of Primary + Secondary or Primary + Tertiary depending on your specific needs.

Ensure you establish hiearchy when using multiple buttons

Best practice is to use only a single CTA, however, sometimes it can be appropriate to offer a secondary option

Hyperlinked Text

These are linked rich text areas commonly used within the paragraph body text.  They can also be used in scenarios when a button may not be ideal. 

On light Background: The link should be underlined and Blue Ribbon (#126cee)
On dark background: The link should be underlined and White (#ffffff)


All icons used in our branded assets should be pulled from the Google Material Symbols library. Use this open source to search through 2,500 glyphs.

Settings: Rounded, no fill, weight: 400, grade: 0, optical size: 48px


There are 3 types of gradients in use: Zodiac, Blue Ribbon, and White.  The gradient can flow in any direction, though it's most typically used from left to right. Be sure to allow optimal contrast for legibility when using text on top of your gradient.

Zodiac Gradient

Zodiac Black blends to transparent.

Blue Ribbon Gradient

Blue Ribbon blends to transparent.

White Gradient

White blends to transparent.

Object Styling

Use flat colored shaped with no gradient effects beyond what is defined for image overlays

Do fill shapes with solid, flat color

Do not use unapproved gradients to fill shapes. The only acceptable gradients are defined for use as image overlays.

Do not apply bevel edges, reflections or other skeuomorphic effects to your shapes

Do fill shapes with flat styling

Do not use skeuomorphic effects.

Do not apply a drop shadow to your objects unless it serves a function that benefits a user.

Do use drop shadow when they serve a purpose, i.e. conveying a hover effect on a button

Do not use drop shadows as an unserving aesthetic

Do round corners on your shapes and image frames
  • Small shapes: 4px corner radius
  • Medium shapes: 8px corner radius
  • Large shapes: 20px corner radius
  • X-Large shapes: 40px corner radius

Do round your corners

Do not keep a sharp point

Design Foundations


Discover our logos, their design & usage guidelines for brand consistency.


Learn our typography rules for consistent messaging & legibility.


Explore our color palette & guidelines for visually appealing materials.


Learn about how we use photography for effective brand communication.

Graphic Styles

Learn about essential design elements including buttons, icons, & object styles.


Learn how to ensure that our digital assets are accessible to all.